Publication Formats

I had decided quite earlier on that I didn't really want to produce a basic book; this isn't because I think there is anything wrong with it, I just wanted something a little more interactive to reflect my design practice. This led me on to thinking about what format's could be appropriate for the context brief...

The work below by Shrigley, Hunter, King and Electric Angel are pieces that I have referenced in a previous brief (from the second year) because although they are collections of postcards, I still think they work well as books as they could just be treated like loose pages; also Lizzie Hunter's piece is actually a book of postcards with perforated edges so they can be removed.

David Shrigley;

Lizzie Hunter;

Scott King;

Electric Angel;

This piece by Christopher Seeds is a nice example of how a long strip could work/read as a book but fold out into something more. If I was to produce something like this, I would be more likely to make it as a fold out poster.

Christopher Seeds;

A5 Magazine Portfolio;

Although the style of work on this Clare Ultimo piece doesn't exactly reflect my design practice, the format is interesting and something worth exploring - It is a way of including a lot of information but in different formats and scales, all kept in one package.
Clare Ultimo (Broadway Interactive Kit);

This book collection below (not sure who its designed by) is an interesting examples of how, what seem to look like quite basic books, can be interactive and sophisticated with pull out tabs and loose leafs to take out etc. and then how they can be packaged together.

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