Existing James and the Giant peach book covers


My favourite existing James and the Giant peach covers happen to actually be from the film, therefore the illustrations maybe aren't as relevant to the book which is (most popularly) illustrated by Quentin Blake, however, regardless I like the tree and the type - although I don't like 'and the', it looks kind of like a last minute thought.

The first book below has a similar illustration style to the film, quite 'soft', so that stylistic approach could be relevant. The second example below was actually designed by Anthony Gormley as a puffin classic and sold for something like £100 per copy - thats a Lot of money but its beautiful, very simple and the kind of hidden type is a really nice touch.
The last cover; there is something about it that I like but at the same time - I don't really like the photograph of the nut from the centre of a peach or the type...but the idea is effective.

Old existing covers:-

I like the old covers, especially the quentin blake ones for the 'reminscent' aspect as I had the last one, but in reality there isn't much in terms of typeface or image approach that I would take inspiration from; except - as puffin quotes it 'The author as a brand' - highlighting roald dahl's name uses it as though it is a brand as he is a well known childrens author so draws the buyer to it.

'Re-designs' :-

While researching existing examples of the book; I'm not sure who designed them and they may actually be entries to the competition. The first example has a nice use of colour but I'm not sold of the type. The second image is, in my opinion, too serious, I don't think it has a childlike feel to it at all. My favourite is the last one, in terms of layout and colour but realistically I don't know if it really communicates the story of James and the giant peach and I'm not sure it would appeal to a young audience - it is a nice design but maybe not totally relevant.

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