I wanted to print this out at A2 scale just to tryout the type size etc. and make sure that the layout worked when it was folded. I'm happy with how it turned out - the paper is a little thin so you can see through it but I don't think that matters too much at this stage as it isn't a final piece.

Although the brief asks for a poster/leaflet which is what I have done above, I also produced an A2 poster with all the courses on it as an extra/just in case. Again, I'm happy with the type size etc. It should have worked as its the same point size as the leaflet text anyway.

Private view invite;
I didn't get to print this out in the digital dungeon hence the horrible shiny look of the paper as its from the laser printer, but I just wanted to see if it would physically. I'm happy with the back of the invite with the info on it but I'm not too sure about the cover.
Part of me thinks I should have tried foiling for the 2011 - but I think that may be too time consuming as it is for the pitch not a final product..
Part of me thinks I should have tried foiling for the 2011 - but I think that may be too time consuming as it is for the pitch not a final product..

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