I worked with continous line way back in the first year for visual language 'What is a line?' - that brief didn't really have a concept or anything but in my opinion it works well here. Also, the fact its hand-rendered relates it to the fact this in an art institution and many things are at least started with hand-drawn images.
Below shows the different ways I worked with the continuous line. As it is for signage legibility/readibility is very important and at first I found this quite difficult (Evident in the first 2 below) The latter examples, I feel, are a lot more legibile as the whole letterform is there.

Below I have put all the different courses into the lists of which building they are at - the type of course it is i.e. BA (Hons) will be added above each course name in Clarendon.
(Courses at Blenheim)

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