
‘Investigation of hand-crafted type and image’


Type and illustration for food/drink packaging.
- Examples of packaging.
- Materials.
- Printing processes.
- Colour selection.
- Historical/Past examples.
- Designers that do it well - Case studies.
- Quotes.

Children’s book cover illustration.
- Examples of contemporary children’s book covers.
- Well known illustrators/image makers - Case studies.
- History of children’s books.
- Tips i.e. Author as a brand.
- Brands/Brand guidelines.
- Print processes.
- Quotes

Black and white illustration.
- Why choose black and white illustration?
- What makes black and white illustration successful?
- Printing?
- Examples of work
- Appropriate contexts for it.
- Successful illustrators who do it - Case studies.
- Quotes.

- What is papercraft?
- Techniques/How to?
- Examples of work.
- Appropriate contexts.
- Price restrictions.
- Mass production/printing processes.
- Materials.
- Successful papercraft designers - Case studies.
- Quotes.

Hand rendered type.
- What is hand rendered type?
- Examples of work.
- Appropriate contexts for hand rendered type.
- Top hand-rendered type designers - Case studies.
- Why choose hand-rendered type?
- Quotes.

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