Drive-in Tickets - mistake

When it came to designing tickets for the event, I went for a relatively generic format (tried and tested!) and kept it simple in terms of the information that would go on it;
- Title of film
- Date
- Where
- Time
- Price

The terms and conditions that I will include on the back are simply taken from the Harewood House website.
Below is the grid that I would work with;

As the price of the ticket needs to be included, I will have to produce 2 fronts for each film as there is a price for Car's and another price for Mini-buses. The dark line to the left is to represent where the ticket will be perforated and torn when you show it at the event (the audience keeps the larger section)

The back will remain the same for each screening apart from the background texture.

When it came to trying to printing the tickets double sided - I was finding it really hard to work out why it wasn't working;

Firstly it came out so they were both in the same direction so if I had a perforated line on one side, it would cut through all the information on the other side.

Then it came out upside down on the back...

Its a little embarrassing that it took me so long to work out Why it wasn't printing right, considering I have been designing book covers - obviously the back would need the layout to be flipped for it to come out right on the back. Shameful!

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